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The Status Quo? We Challenge It—And So Can You. Here's How.

Consider the first time an ancient hominid decided to throw their meat into the fire before eating it. Or the first person to lash a heavy load of firewood to their back instead of carrying it.

March 22 2021 • 4 min read

The Status Quo? We Challenge It—And So Can You. Here's How.

Consider the first time an ancient hominid decided to throw their meat into the fire before eating it. Or the first person to lash a heavy load of firewood to their back instead of carrying it. Can you imagine the first person who looked at a horse (or elephant or camel) and thought, Yeah, I could ride that?

Since the dawn of time, this world has been shaped by people looking at the status quo and deciding to do better. We’re talking about the forward-thinkers—the revolutionaries and pushers who never settle. 

Here at Makosi, we’re challenging the status quo by innovating and shaping the future of audit. And we think you can too. Here’s how. 

Embrace Change

With its cubicles, overhead lighting, and reliable 9-5 schedule, the office might seem ubiquitous. But it’s a relatively new phenomenon. 

In fact, the modern corporate office only became well-established in the 1960s. And according to Gideon Haigh, an Australian business journalist and author of The Office: A Hardworking History, “the office was an activity long before it was a place.” 

What does he mean by that? Well, from medieval monks cloistering themselves in their chambers to modern workers working from their kitchens, bedrooms, and living rooms, “the office” is, at its core, wherever work happens. 

And in the digital age, where, when, and how we work is more flexible than ever before. That’s why, here at Makosi, we’re not scrambling to get back to “business as usual.” Instead, we’re challenging the status quo to see just how far we can push the new normal.

Through our proprietary software, we can respond to urgent staffing needs in a matter of hours rather than weeks. Whether we’re deploying on-site, virtual, or digital reinforcements, we’re delivering value to you (and your clients). And that’s just one way we’re challenging the status quo. 

Take a Stand

Work for the sake of work is no longer enough. The modern workforce is looking for purpose—service to something outside themselves. 

That’s why we built Makosi as an impact-focused company. Yes, we’re in the business of connecting skilled auditors with public accounting firms across the nation. But we’re also in the business of building schools, taking on the climate crisis, and helping communities in need. 

But you don’t have to follow our lead and build schools in Malawi to create purpose in the workplace (though we’re all for it if you do!). Instead, consider supporting a local non-profit or join the 1% for the planet movement. Organize an in-office food drive or give employees paid time off for a set number of volunteer hours each year. 

Whether you’re actively creating purpose within your organization or giving your employees the resources they need to find their own purpose, there’s no denying that modern workers want to be contributing members of society. And those who feel they’re working for something outside of themselves are up to 13% more productive

Don’t Be An Island

Whether you’re the CEO, the head of HR, or the office manager, holding a leadership role in any company can feel like working in a bubble. But in today’s fast-paced and collaborative work environment, there’s no need to go it alone. 

In fact, attempting to could be detrimental to your company’s culture. According to a recent article by HR Zone, “Companies that are stuck in the past with outdated leadership structures will quickly find themselves losing their workforce, or at the very least distancing themselves from the rest.”

But how do you get the input of the brightest minds in your company or social circle? Serial entrepreneur Miki Agrawal relies on what she calls “Meeting of the Minds” dinner parties. In a recent interview with Tony Robbins, she recalls: 

“The first ‘Meeting of the Minds’ I had was supposed to be two hours but lasted over seven because people were so excited to brainstorm. The energy was palpable! I hashed out my business idea, concept, name, SO MUCH of it in just one meeting. The key thing was to invite people from every walk of life (architect, designer, creative, marketer, finance person, real estate person, musician, consultant, etc.) because ALL of their perspectives were different.”

Miki looked outside her industry and organization for brilliant minds. But looking at the talent within your organization can be just as beneficial. The key is to get as many fresh perspectives as possible—from the newest intern to the longest-standing employee. You might be surprised at what comes from this synergy of viewpoints and experiences. 

Stay Curious 

If you’ve recently interacted with a child, the odds are good that you already know their favorite question: Why? According to recent research, keeping a child’s sense of curiosity benefits business leaders as well. After all, Michael Dell, the Chief Executive of Dell, Inc., is famous for saying that leaders’ curiosity is critical for success in this disruptive world.

So, how do you reconnect with your curiosity? Here at Makosi, we started asking Why? 

Why does it take so long to onboard skilled audit workers? Why can’t we streamline virtual teams? Why does busy season take such a toll? Once we started getting to the root of these (and more) ideas, we could find innovative ways to help our clients manage workforce gaps, improve workflows, execute projects, and optimize operations. 

Once you start asking questions—and caring about the answers—you’ll find plenty of ways to challenge the status quo and create a workplace that works for you. 

Challenging the Status Quo Just Got Easier

Here’s the good news: challenging the status quo doesn’t mean you have to invent fire. It can also include small, strategic steps to break old paradigms and usher in the new. Here at Makosi, we’re doing the work already. 

By partnering with us, you get the benefits of our proprietary staffing platform, the skill of our global talent pool, and a starring role in shaping the future of audit. It sounds like a win-win-win, right? 

If you’re interested in hearing more about how it works, get in touch. 

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