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Reliable valuations tailored just for you. Now there’s room to grow.™
Market value plays a vital role in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) – and when it comes to regulatory requirements like financial reporting, taxation, restructuring, and litigation. Yes, value is complex and often subjective, but it’s nothing Makosi experts can’t handle.
Our specialized valuation team analyzes the key drivers and assumptions that underpin forecasts as well as analyze the industry and macroeconomic environment. The result? Insight into the business, industry, and economy and indicative valuations of the asset.
An invaluable team for valuable assets.
Diverse Valuations
We assist with business valuations required by a seller or acquirer, debt valuations, impairment assessments, Purchase Price Allocations (PPAs), intangible asset valuations, and valuations of financial instruments, including equity and debt securities, foreign exchange instruments, options, and other derivatives.
Evaluations and Analysis
Let us help you evaluate investment decisions and conclude on a value, by analyzing assumptions and inputs, using the income, market, and asset approaches.
Value Driver Identification
We investigate historical and forecast financials and challenge the reasonability of forecasts.
We provide deal pricing guidance for public, private, and private equity M&A markets.
We offer financial reporting valuations relating to PPAs, tangible and intangible assets, and goodwill and asset impairment testing.
Accounting updates
We can help you address changes in financial reporting requirements relating to IFRS and US GAAP regulations that affect cash flows for a valuation.
Dispute and Litigation
We assist with fair and reasonable valuations in the event of disputes or litigation.
We provide corporate restructuring valuations according to financial regulations.